Terms & conditions

Terms & conditions

Scope, registration, and use

  1. These terms of use (the "General Terms") apply to your (hereinafter referred to as the "user") use of Butler Point (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") accessible through the website www.butlerpoint.nl.
  2. These General Terms serve as the conditions for the agreements made between the user and the Company. Butler Point is a product of Do Company B.V., with its core activity focused on supporting clients by offering lifestyle management services. These terms apply to every request made by the user orally, by telephone, email, or via the website and accepted for processing by the Company.
  3. The Company is located at Jaffadwarsstraat 1, 3061 JL Rotterdam, registered with the Chamber of Commerce Rotterdam under registration number 64127362, and is represented by director Carlijn Oosthoek, who also manages the website www.butlerpoint.nl.

Orders, prices, and delivery times

  1. The user must submit a request through the website. The Company collaborates with various external suppliers and delivery services to provide its services. Together with the supplier, the Company determines whether to accept the request.
  2. The request is only confirmed once the user has received a confirmation email from the Company.
  3. No quotes are issued.
  4. Payment methods and prices vary depending on the service. If the price is communicated clearly in advance, immediate online payment is required via iDEAL or credit card. If the price is determined during service execution, the user will receive an invoice from the Company afterward.
  5. Payments are always made to the Company, whose bank account details are listed on the invoice.
  6. The Company maintains a 14-day payment term for invoice payments.
  7. The Company does not offer any subscription models; all orders are treated as separate transactions and are billed and handled individually. Each order may have new terms and different suppliers and/or resources.
  8. Butler Point's core services include:
  • Laundry, ironing & dry cleaning
  • Clothing alterations
  • Shoe repair
  • Bicycle repair
  • Car washing
  • Flower delivery service
  • Cake service
  • Holiday services (e.g., Christmas trees, orange tompouce, New Year's pastries)
  • Various group sports
  • Massages
  • Personal training
  • Handyman service
  • Household help
  • Moving services
  • Catering
  • Taxi/driver services
  • Package delivery service
  • Grocery delivery
  1. The delivery times for different services are communicated on the website. If the delivery time is unclear, users can contact the Company through the website.

Additional work and other costs

  1. If it becomes apparent during the execution of an order that adjustments or additions to the work are necessary to ensure proper service completion, the Company will carry out such changes. If additional work costs exceed €25.00, the Company will first consult with the user.

Obligations and liability

  1. If damage occurs to the user's property during an order by the supplier or the Company, the user is subject to a deductible of €250.00. Butler Point's liability is always limited to the amount paid out by the insurer for the relevant case.
  2. The user is obligated to pay all applicable amounts associated with the order.


  1. All types of orders or tasks requested by the user from the Company can be canceled.
  2. Costs associated with cancellations vary per order and supplier. Any cancellation costs also depend on the time between the cancellation and the scheduled order.
  3. The user is obligated to pay any necessary cancellation fees if applicable.

Privacy statement

  1. An extensive privacy statement and privacy card, detailing what contact information is collected, why, and for how long, can be found on the website www.butlerpoint.nl. For more information, contact us.


  1. The Company reserves the right to contact users regarding inquiries, feedback, and reviews as desired by the Company. Users may be contacted via phone or email.

Code of conduct

  1. In some cases, personal interaction may occur between employees or external suppliers of the Company and the user. The user must always show respect to Company employees or external suppliers.
  2. By signing, the user agrees to the following:
  • The user will never intentionally or accidentally harm Company employees or external suppliers.
  • The user will never threaten Company employees or external suppliers.
  • The user will not put Company employees or external suppliers in situations where their health or safety is at risk.
  • The user will never sexually approach or attempt any sexual conduct with Company employees or external suppliers.
  • The user will not insult, stalk, intimidate, bully, or show aggressive behavior towards Company employees or external suppliers.
  • The user will not use vulgar or offensive language towards Company employees or external suppliers.
  • The user will not embarrass or make Company employees or external suppliers feel uncomfortable.
  • The user will not discriminate against Company employees or external suppliers based on skin color, religion, disability, age, gender, origin, sexual orientation, or any other reason.
  1. Any violation of this code of conduct will be considered a substantial breach of these terms, and the Company reserves the right to terminate the user's account and service use without notice or fees.

Final provisions

  1. The Company reserves the right to change, remove, or add functions to www.butlerpoint.nl at any time without notice.
  2. The Company's website may contain hyperlinks to third-party websites for visitor information. The Company is not responsible or liable for the content of these websites.
  3. Copying or using parts of the website is prohibited without prior written permission from the Company.
  4. The language of this agreement and related negotiations is Dutch.
  5. Dutch law applies to this user agreement.
  6. If the General Terms are violated, the Company reserves the right to terminate the user's account and services without notice or fees.
  7. For disputes, questions, or comments, users can always email aW5mb0BidXRsZXJwb2ludC5ubA==.

Rotterdam, 01-03-2018
Last updated 02-05-2019

Site by Alsjeblaft!